Nick Swishy Bats 1st
Well it just goes to show you Al some people think Ozzie Guillen is not the sharpest Sharpie in the ten-pack of Sharpies but he is a base ball genius and he now bats Nick Swishy 1st because you can not steal first base and this Spring Ozzie Guillen proved it using the Scientific Method. In our early spring games he thought up a play where A.J. Pierogi who can no longer hit his way out of a Papier Bag could get his OBP up to snuff by stealing first base. The way it worked was this A.J. would run the count to 2 and Oh or maybe Three and One a good runners count and then when the pitcher started his move to the plate A.J. would take off like hell from the batters box running toward 1st Base. The first time he did this the Umpire calld a strike for leaving the Batters Box and second time he called A.J. out and third time he just said ^%#&^$# Pierogi and thumbd A.J. to the showers and so you see Al we have what we call Dada Points from which we can infur that you Can Not Steal First Base.
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