Jack Keefe's Blog

Location: Chicago, Illinoise

I pitch for the Chi. White Sox and in the winters I go back to Terre Haute which is wear I am from.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Bloging is Hard Al

Well Al now the world wants to know why does Jack Keefe not blog more I tell you Al it is hard and there are weeks wen I do not field like it. This life of a ball player is not all milk and Maypo we are hardly in 1 city like Settle when we must pack our bags for Tarpon Bay. For 2 weeks Cris Widget's lap top was out of juice and when we finally got it refilled the Z fell off his keyboard so I could not type Ozzie Guillen. That is all I can say 4 now but the boys on Primer say I should blog more and may be when we get into the Stritch Drive I will Al.